wordpress sitemap page without plugin site:stackoverflow.com - Google'da axtarış
22 мар 2024 · You are using WordPress so why not just use a plugin that does it for you already? There must be a plugin that is free that supports this ...
3 ијн 2016 · U can use sitemap generator. U can use https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/. U only need put url index. That website will search all link and generate ...
29 май 2023 · The Yoast SEO plugin will generate sitemaps for custom posts type too, and I think that is what has happened here.
13 апр 2017 · I have a stragne question, I have been gogoleing for a while, but have found no answer. I have a Wordpress site where the Yoast Seo plugin ...
22 мар 2015 · Regarding your second question, it looks like those rules are meant to map sitemap requests back to your index file so whatever sitemap plugin ...
8 јан 2017 · are you using any plugin for building dropdown and if you are share that info please.. · no i don't use any plugin, i make a custom page with ...
17 мар 2016 · I didn't realise you ONLY wanted it to happen on the Front Page - the code snippet suggests you want it on some other pages too.
21 авг 2017 · One possible answer is to create a new page (say with title wpform). Then create page-wpform.php and put all your custom php code in there.
15 јан 2020 · Here is a simple code which you need to add in your theme function file to generate sitemap when each blog is posted.
25 ијн 2014 · Under the plugin settings for Yoast, have you checked the box to allow XML sitemap ?
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