iran currency - Axtarish в Google
This volume was previously published by the Jordan Center for Persian Studies, University of California – Irvine.
This study establishes a framework for analyzing the major determinants of inflation in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Following this are fifteen accompanying articles providing detailed information that expands on, and compliments, the discussion in the original material.
Reflecting the large initial distortions, trade, exchange rate, and energy reforms could generate large welfare gains for the Islamic Republic of Iran.
This paper reviews economic developments in the Islamic Republic of Iran during 1990–96.
This volume takes stock of critical developments in the Iranian economy in recent years.
... Iran's economy and petrochemical industries are uncertain . There are major difficulties in getting accurate data ... currency , long held artificially high by a regime that could afford to subsidize it , has nose - dived since the ...
This paper uses a common trends model to study how prices, the black market exchange rate, money, and real output have developed over a period covering both pre- and post-revolution Iranian data.
This is the basic law governing the implementation of the subsidy reform in Iran. The TSRL envisaged bringing subsidized prices close to international levels over a five-year period.
<Seh. 2>

Сочи,  -  - 
Axtarisha Qayit


Sayt Rehberliyi ile Elaqe

Saytdan Istifade Qaydalari

Anarim.Az 2004-2023