II Napoleon - Google'da axtarış
II Napoleon II Napoleon
Doğum tarixi : 20 mart 1811
Doğulduğu yer : Tüiliri sarayı, Paris
Vəfat etdiyi tarix : 22 iyul 1832, Şönbrun sarayı, Vyana, Avstriya
Bacı/qardaşları : Çarlz Leon , Aleksandr Kolonna-Valevski
Napoleon II (Napoléon François Joseph Charles Bonaparte; 20 March 1811 – 22 July 1832) was the disputed Emperor of the French for a few weeks in 1815. He was the son of Emperor Napoleon I and Empress Marie Louise, daughter of Emperor Francis I of Austria.
Наполео́н II (фр. Napoléon II), полное имя Наполеон Франсуа Жозеф Шарль Бонапарт, король Римский (фр. Napoléon François Joseph Charles Bonaparte), ... Наполеон III · Римский король · Фуше, Жозеф · Бонапартисты
Aged just three, the Roi de Rome, became French emperor and ruled France for a couple of days as Napoleon II. But just two days later, on 6 April, 1814, his ...
Also called: king of Rome or Napoleon II ; Byname: L'Aiglon (French: “The Eaglet”) ; Born: March 20, 1811, Paris, France ; Died: July 22, 1832, Schönbrunn, Austria ...
Napoléon II, Duke of Reichstadt (1811-1832), Son of Napoleon Bonaparte and Marie Louise. Sitter in 1 portrait.
Napoleon II, often referred to as the Eaglet (l Aiglon), was born in 1811 and was only three years old when he was separated from his father.
He is believed to be seven years old, caught in the midst of tremendous upheaval. His stance serves to underline the inner conflict felt by the two opposing ...
noun Duke of Reichstadt. 1811–32, son of Napoleon Bonaparte and Marie Louise. He was known as the King of Rome during the first French empire.
Наполеон II (Napoleon Francois Goseph Charles Bonaparte) — герцог Рейхштадтский,сын Наполеона I Бонапарта.Старинная почтовая карточка Франции.
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