III Napoleon - Google'da axtarış
III Napoleon III Napoleon
Doğulduğu yer : Paris, Fransa
Doğum tarixi : 20 aprel 1808
Vəfat etdiyi tarix : 9 yanvar 1873, Chislehurst, Birləşmiş Krallıq
Napoleon III was the first president of France from 1848 to 1852, and the last monarch of France as the second Emperor of the French from 1852 until he was ...
Наполеон III ; фр. Charles Louis Napoléon Bonaparte · Людовик Бонапарт (1778—1846), король Голландии; брат Наполеона I · Гортензия де Богарне (1783—1837), ... Наполеон Эжен · Евгения (императрица... · Тьер, Адольф · Людовик Бонапарт
25 ијл 2024 · Napoleon III was the nephew of Napoleon I. He was president of the Second Republic of France from 1850 to 1852 and the emperor of France from 1852 to 1870.
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