IV Bela - Google'da axtarış
Béla IV (1206 – 3 May 1270) was King of Hungary and Croatia between 1235 and 1270, and Duke of Styria from 1254 to 1258. As the oldest son of King Andrew II, he was crowned upon the initiative of a group of influential noblemen in his father's lifetime in 1214.
Бе́ла IV (венг. IV. Béla; 29 ноября 1206 — 3 мая 1270) — король Венгрии (1235—1270), герцог Штирии (1254—1258). Происходил из династии Арпадов, ...
IV Bela IV Bela
IV Bela 1235-1270-ci illərdə Macarıstan və Xorvatiya kralı, 1254-1258-ci illərdə Ştiriya hersoqu olub. Kral II Endryu-nun böyük oğlu kimi o, 1214-cü ildə atasının sağlığında bir qrup nüfuzlu zadəganların təşəbbüsü ilə tac taxıb. Vikipediya (İngiliscə)
Doğulduğu yer : Macarıstan
Doğum tarixi : 29 noyabr 1206
Vəfat etdiyi tarix : 3 may 1270, Buda
Dəfn olunduğu yer : Esztergom, Macarıstan
Béla IV was the king of Hungary (1235–70) during whose reign the Mongol invasions left three-quarters of Hungary in ruins. He was the son of Andrew II.
Béla IV (Hungarian: IV. Béla, (1206 – 3 May 1270), King of Hungary and Croatia (1214-1270), Duke of Styria (1254-1258). Béla was present, at the age of seven, ...
Discover life events, stories and photos about Magyar Király IV. Béla (1206–1270) of Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Hungary.
3 ној 2021 · Béla IV, King of the Hungarians from 1235 until 1270. During his reign the Mongols invaded Hungary. He barely escaped from the battle and spent ...
Get the best deals on Bela IV. (1235-1270) IV. Béla, shop the largest numismatic marketplace at MA-Shops.com.
This file depicts the official coat of arms or flag of a Hungarian municipality. According to 1. ... Likewise, the Office will not register a government edict ...
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