Sofia del Palatinat - Google'da axtarış
Sophia of Hanover Sophia of Hanover
Sofiya 19 dekabr 1692-ci ildən 23 yanvar 1698-ci ilə qədər Şahzadə-Seçici Ernest Augustusun yoldaşı olaraq Hannover seçicisi idi. O, daha sonra 1701-ci il Məskunlaşma Aktına əsasən İngiltərə, Şotlandiya və İrlandiya taxtlarının varisi idi, çünki... Vikipediya (İngiliscə)
Doğum tarixi : 14 oktyabr 1630
Doğulduğu yer : Haaqa, Niderland
Vəfat etdiyi tarix : 8 iyun 1714, Hannover, Almaniya
Bacı/qardaş oğlu : Dudley Bard
Valideynləri : Elizabet Stüart , V Frederik
Sophia was Electress of Hanover from 19 December 1692 until 23 January 1698 as the consort of Prince-Elector Ernest Augustus. She was later the heiress ...
Princess of the Palatinate, Electress of Hanover, heir presumptive and ancestor of British monarchs following the Act of Settlement 1701.
painting by Louise Hollandine of the Palatinate.
Sophia, Electress of Hanover (1630–1714), granddaughter of James I, and mother of George I, is best remembered as the link between the Houses of Stuart and ...
8 ијн 2023 · Era la mare de Jordi I, emparentant amb els Habsburg, i que en pujar al tron va ordenar salvar Barcelona.
Sophia, Electress of Hanover (1630-1714) was daughter of Frederick and Elisabeth of the Palatinate, known as the Winter King and Queen of Bohemia. She was also ...
2 окт 2023 · Sophia was almost queen. She died two months before Queen Anne in 1714. Sophia would have been the eldest monarch to ascend the throne at age 83 ...
Sophia of Hanover: from Winter Princess to Heiress of Great Britain, 1630-1714. Sophia, Electress of Hanover (1630-1714) was daughter of Frederick and Elisabeth ...
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