State Historical Museum - Google'da axtarış
State Historical Museum 4,6 (2.096) Музей истории
Rusiya Dövlət Tarix Muzeyi Moskvada Qırmızı Meydan və Manej Meydanı arasında yerləşən Rusiya tarixi muzeyidir. Muzeyin sərgiləri indiki Rusiya ərazisində yaşamış tarixdən əvvəlki tayfaların qalıqlarından tutmuş Romanovlar sülaləsi üzvlərinin əldə etdikləri qiymətsiz sənət əsərlərinə qədərdir.
Ünvan : Красная пл., 1, , 109012
Saat : Bağlıdır ⋅ Açılır: 10:00
Telefon : 8 (495) 692-40-19
The largest national museum in Russia with priceless exhibits of archeology, numismatics, houseware, weapons and works of decorative and applied art.
The State Historical Museum of Russia is a museum of Russian history located between Red Square and Manege Square in . The museum's exhibitions range ...
The State Historical Museum was built in 1875–1883 specifically for keeping the national treasury of Russia. The Historical Museum was established on February 9 ...
Housed in one of the main buildings on Red Square, the State Historical Museum in was opened in 1872 to showcase Russian history.
A strikingly broad and deep collection of exhibits ranging across the millennia and Eurasian history, in addition to its focus on Russian history and culture.
The historicsl museum has items from 17 - 19th century, apparently it was easier not to show Russians there was a 20th century with a revolution going on.
State Historical Museum is the central national museum in Russia. Here you can find historical artifacts and monuments from ancient till modern times. It's the ...
The collection of the State Historical Museum contains 4.5 million pieces related to the history and culture of Russia from ancient times to the present day.
The State Historical Museum, Phone: (495) 692-37-31, 692-68-17, Address: 109012, , 1, Red Square, Location: metro stations 'Okhotny Ryad', '
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