ipatiev house - Google'da axtarış
Ipatiev House Ipatiev House
İpatiev evi 1918-ci ilin iyulunda bolşevik inqilabından sonra Rusiyanın keçmiş imperatoru II Nikolayın, ailəsinin və ailə üzvlərinin öldürüldüyü Yekaterinburqda tacir evi idi. Onun adı Romanovların taxta çıxdığı Kostromadakı İpatiev monastırının... Vikipediya (İngiliscə)
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Ipatiev House (Russian: Дóм Ипáтьева) was a merchant's house in Yekaterinburg where the former Emperor Nicholas II of Russia (1868–1918, reigned 1894–1917), ... Church of All Saints · Ganina Yama · Ipatievsky Monastery
Дóм Ипáтьева или Ипáтьевский дóм — несохранившийся частный дом в Екатеринбурге на углу улиц Карла Либкнехта и Клары Цеткин (бывших Вознесенского проспекта и ...
25 ној 2022 · A brief history of Ipatiev House, the fortified mansion where the Romanovs were held captive and executed on that fateful morning in July 1918.
On 17th July 1918, Emperor Nicholas II and his family were brutally murdered by a Bolshevik firing squad in the basement of the Ipatiev House in Ekaterinburg.
The brutal execution of Tsar Nicholas II, his wife and five children at Yekaterinberg in July 1918 was followed by apparently inept attempts to conceal the ...
Circa 1920: Ipatiev House, a merchant's house where Tsar Nicholas II, his family and members of his household were executed. Yekaterinburg, Russia,...
17 ијл 2024 · Cellar of Ipatiev house in Yekaterinburg, where the former emperor of Russia, Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra and their five children were murdered along with ...
'July 16, 1918, · THE ROMANOVS (1917-2024) · The list below is the official one of all the 65 members of the Russian Imperial House as of January 1, 1917:
The icon depicts the martyrs of the Ipatiev House and the Alapayev Mine, canonized members of the royal family, who were brought to the Urals in 1918 and ...
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