Archduchess Ileana of Austria - Axtarish в Google
Archduchess Ileana of Austria
Дата и место рождения : 4 января 1958 г. (возраст 66 лет)
Партнер : Дэвид Скотт Снайдер (1979 г.–)
Archduchess Ileana of Austria ... born 1958 ... In more languages ... Spanish ... No label defined ... No description defined ... Traditional Chinese ... No label defined.
Ileana Hapsburg Snyder - daughter of Archduke Stefan of Austria and Mary Jerrine Soper. Married to David Snyder. Granddaughter of Princess Ileana of Romania.
Archduchess Maria Magdalena of Austria, Austro-Tuscan Imperial and Royal (1939-2021). In more languages Spanish María Magdalena de Austria, princesa de Toscana.
15 июн. 2014 г. · 5 December 1979 wedding of Ileana Hapsburg and David Snyder. She is the daughter of Archduke Stefan of Austria and Mary Jerrine Soper. 5 ...
Оценка 4,6 (59) · 21,96 $ In 1931, Ileana married Archduke Anton of Austria (1901-1987), becoming an Austrian Archduchess. The bulk of I LIVE AGAIN deals with Ileana's war work as a ...
6 мая 2021 г. · HIRH Archduchess Ileana of Austria, Princess of Romania, our Grandmother with her first child Archduke Stefan.
Archduchess Ileana of Austria née Romania whi is dressed in traditional Romanina costume with her first born child Archduke Stefan in 1932.
The Archduchess Ileana, wife of Archduke Anton of Austria, is seen sleigh riding with her young child in the snow-clad grounds of her castle home at ...
Продолжительность: 1:03
Опубликовано: 13 мая 2018 г.
While Ileana became a nun, Archduke Anton moved to Austria, where he lived until his death in Emmerberg and in St. Lorenz am Mondsee in the Villa Minola. He ...
Некоторые результаты поиска могли быть удалены в соответствии с местным законодательством. Подробнее...
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