usd to iranian rial black market - Axtarish в Google
This paper examines the long- and short-run determinants of the black market exchange rate employing the cointegration techniques and the annual time series data from 1960 to 2002.
IRANIAN RIAL Selected Iranian economic and financial statistics . Note : 1 ... market rate and parallel market rate were merged , so that the reference ... black ' underground economy ' , which accompanies centrally directed ...
... market) and found no strong evidence of chaos. Gao and Wang (1999) examined the daily prices of four future ... (Iranian Rial) have been investigated by Torkamani et al. (2007), who show that the data in this market have complex ...
Валютные войны – одни из самых разрушительных действий в мировой экономике. Они приводят к инфляции, рецессии и резкому спаду. ...
... USD 恆生指數 0.5675 / 85 AUDI IND 4.3930 / 20 HANG SENG BREX 7275.04 $ 654.70 eculative attack , the deputy head of ... RIAL FALLS 9PC he Iranian rial has fallen nearly nine per against the dollar on the black market in ast few weeks on high ...
... black market on 8 October , officials and currency dealers say . A further injection of $ 600 million is expected by the end of the Iranian year in March , according to Commerce Minister Abdol - Hossain Vahaji . The government has set ...
«Конец истории и последний человек» – это одно из самых известных произведений философа и футуролога Фрэнсиса Фукуямы, ставшее ...
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