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Accommodative convergence is that portion of the range of inward rotation of both eyes (i.e., convergence) that occurs in response to an increase in optical power for focusing by the crystalline lens (i.e., accommodation).
Accommodative convergence Accommodative convergence
Аккомодационная конвергенция — это та часть диапазона вращения обоих глаз внутрь, которая возникает в ответ на увеличение оптической силы для фокусировки хрусталика. Википедия (Английский язык)
Accommodative convergence is a phenomenon where the eyes converge while also adjusting their focus to maintain clear vision on an object at a certain ...
We compared the clinical characteristics of esotropic, hypermetropic children whose strabismus was fully corrected with spectacles (refractive accommodative ...
Accommodation and convergence are inter-related and they develop together so that a single clear image is appreciated. The ratio accommodative-convergence ...
21 февр. 2019 г. · It is generally associated with symptoms such as eyestrain, blurry vision, double vision, headaches and reading related problems [1].
9 янв. 2025 г. · Accommodative esotropia is an inward turning of one or both eyes that occurs with activation of the accommodative reflex.
15 нояб. 2022 г. · The accommodation reflex is the visual response for focusing on near objects. It also has the name of the accommodation-convergence reflex or the near reflex.
Accommodative anomalies and nonstrabismic binocular dysfunctions are vision disorders which affect the binocularity and visual performance of subjects.
Accommodative convergence/accommodation (AC/A) ratio The convergence response of an individual to a unit stimulus of accommodation. Accommodative infacility ...
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