100,00 $Available in 3 sizes: small OB-01, medium OB-02, and large OB-03. You can customize certain skulls you purchase by displaying them on the base most appropriate ...
The skull and mandible (Figure 4) are enormous and thick so that they can withstand the muscular force involved in chewing hardwoods such as oak and maple ( ...
The average beaver skull is about 5.5 inches long and 4.5 inches wide. The skull is made up of the cranial bones (cranium) and the facial bones (which include ...
11 мар. 2016 г. · Beavers have massive, ever-growing, self-sharpening front teeth. Rodent incisors are often differently coloured on the front and back.
Оценка5,0(6) · 63,95 $ · В наличииReal American Beaver Skull · Sold individually · The photos shown are examples of what your specimen will approximately look like. Each skull is unique and will ...
25,00 $Beaver Skull. $25.00. Castor Canadensis Skull. Used for crafting and classroom identification. All of our skulls are boiled to clean them. Than we use a ...
Оценка3,7(6) · 24,50 $Genuine Beaver Skull. Full Beaver Skulls with lower jaws. Nicely cleaned and bleached, with all teeth glued into place. Ready for decorating or display.