bronch root word examples Haqqinda VIDEO MP3 AXTAR YUKLE

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bronch root word examples - Axtarish в Google
1. throat; bronchocele. 2. bronchial; bronchitis; bronchophony. 3. bronchial and bronchopulmonary. Word History Etymology Greek broncho-, from brónchos "throat ...
Delve into the root "Broncho," derived from the Greek word bronchos, meaning "windpipe." From common respiratory terms like bronchitis to specialized fields ...
broncho-, bronch-, bronchi- · bronchoalveolar · bronchoconstriction · bronchodilating · bronchodilation, bronchodilatation · bronchodilator · bronchoedema ...
The root "bronch" comes from the Greek word "brónchos," meaning "windpipe." It refers specifically to the passages that carry air from the trachea into the ...
Оценка 4,5 (2) bronchogram. x-ray of air passages ; bronchitis. inflammation of the air passages ; bronchophony. sound heard through stethoscope over healthy lungs ; bronchogenic.
Examples of broncho- · bronchocele · broncholith · bronchogenic · bronchomotor · bronchophony · bronchorrhea · bronchoscope.
Label the word parts: Bronch = WR; o = CV; scopy = suffix; Define the word components: Bronch = bronchus; scopy = visual examination; Create a final ...
12 letter words containing bronch · bronchospasm · bronchoscope · bronchogenic · bronchoscopy · bronchitides · bronchitises · bronchiocele · bronchophony ... Не найдено: examples | Нужно включить: examples
brachi/o, arm, brachiocephalic, brachial artery ; bronch/i,o, bronchus, bronchiole, bronchospasm, bronchiectasia ; bronchiol/o, bronchiole, bronchiolitis ; bucc/o ...
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