A periodically swarming, short-horned grasshopper in the family Acrididae. They are found primarily in the deserts and dry areas of northern and eastern Africa ...
Desert Locust swarms can form. They are ravenous eaters who consume their own weight per day, targeting food crops and forage.
Пустынная саранчаНасекомые
Пустынная саранча, или африканская саранча — вид рода Шистоцерки семейства Настоящие саранчовые подсемейства Cyrtacanthacridinae. Вредитель сельскохозяйственных культур в Африке, Ближнем Востоке и Азии, приносящий серьёзный урон сельскому...Википедия
The Desert Locust is one of about a dozen species of short-horned grasshoppers (Acridoidea) that are known to change their behavior and form swarms of adults or ...
Desert locust swarms are ravaging crops, trees, and pastureland, destroying food and vegetation and jeopardizing food security across Africa, the Arabian ...
Desert locusts are migratory insects whose flying distance is 1000–3000 miles with the general fly of 10–12 miles per hour and are likely to move downwind.
With the ability to fly 150 km a day, the desert locusts devastate rural livelihoods in their relentless drive to eat and reproduce. This field pocket guide ...
A pronounced desert locust outbreak began in late 1992 along the Red Sea coastal plains of Sudan and Eritrea following several years of drought. Swarms that ...