Street Food is an American documentary that premiered on Netflix on April 26, 2019, created by David Gelb and Brian McGinn, exploring street food around the ...
In this vibrant docuseries, Latin American chefs tell their stories and bring a taste of tradition and innovation to their delicious offerings.
Street Food2019 г. ‧ Документальный ‧ 1 сезон
Street Food — американский документальный фильм, премьера которого состоялась 26 апреля 2019 года на Netflix. Созданный Дэвидом Гелбом и Брайаном Макгинном фильм об уличной еде по всему миру.Википедия (Английский язык)
29 апр. 2019 г. · This new show takes viewers on a detailed tour of the best street food spots in nine Asian cities. Each episode explores the cities' culture and history.
30 апр. 2019 г. · In case you missed it, Netflix dropped a new food-centric docuseries on April 26 called Street Food, from the makers of Chef's Table.
Оценка6,8/10(758)Get a taste of the most beloved bites on American streets and, along the way, discover the heart, soul and wildly diverse real people behind the food.