new york humidity by month - Axtarish в Google
New York City's humidity levels vary throughout the year. The highest levels occur in September, reaching 68% (high), while the lowest is recorded in April ...
The average annual relative humidity is 58.3% and average monthly relative humidity ranges from 55% in April to 61% in January.
The average humidity year round is listed below for places in New York. The tables give daily averages along with highest and lowest relative humidity levels.
Brooklyn's humidity levels vary throughout the year. The highest levels occur in September, reaching 68% (high), while the lowest is recorded in April at ...
In general, a relative humidity of 40-60% feels pleasant. With humidity averaging 76%, December is the most uncomfortable. In May, on the other hand, it is ...
new york Relative Humidity (NY) ; Morning Percentage, Afternoon Percentage ; January. 68%. 68%. 60%. 60% ; February. 68%. 68%. 58%. 58% ; March. 67%. 67%. 54%. 54%.
The average humidity in December is listed below for places in New York. The tables give daily averages along with highest and lowest relative humidity levels.
August is a hot and humid month in New York, with average highs of 29.0°C and with a few days above 32°C, though towards the end of the month things start to ...
Over the year, ambient temperature in New York typically varies from 27°F to 86°F. New York receives an annual precipitation of 47 inches and an annual ...
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