New York City's humidity levels vary throughout the year. The highest levels occur in September, reaching 68% (high), while the lowest is recorded in April ... |
The average annual relative humidity is 58.3% and average monthly relative humidity ranges from 55% in April to 61% in January. |
The average humidity year round is listed below for places in New York. The tables give daily averages along with highest and lowest relative humidity levels. |
Brooklyn's humidity levels vary throughout the year. The highest levels occur in September, reaching 68% (high), while the lowest is recorded in April at ... |
In general, a relative humidity of 40-60% feels pleasant. With humidity averaging 76%, December is the most uncomfortable. In May, on the other hand, it is ... |
new york Relative Humidity (NY) ; Morning Percentage, Afternoon Percentage ; January. 68%. 68%. 60%. 60% ; February. 68%. 68%. 58%. 58% ; March. 67%. 67%. 54%. 54%. |
The average humidity in December is listed below for places in New York. The tables give daily averages along with highest and lowest relative humidity levels. |
August is a hot and humid month in New York, with average highs of 29.0°C and with a few days above 32°C, though towards the end of the month things start to ... |
Over the year, ambient temperature in New York typically varies from 27°F to 86°F. New York receives an annual precipitation of 47 inches and an annual ... |
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