The Iberian ribbed newt, gallipato or Spanish ribbed newt (Pleurodeles waltl) is a newt endemic to the central and southern Iberian Peninsula and Morocco.
Large newt with a broad, dorsoventally flattened head. The back is covered with small warts and is usually gray to brown in color, sometimes with irregular ...
Иглистый тритонЗемноводные
Иглистый тритон, или ребристый тритон — вид животных из рода ребристых тритонов отряда хвостатых земноводных.
Иглистый тритон — один из самых крупных видов тритонов.Википедия
In phases I – V, ossification has not yet started. In the skull, the sphenethmoid, otic capsule and exoccipital are observed as cartilaginous elements.