The White Sea is a southern inlet of the Barents Sea located on the northwest coast of Russia. It is surrounded by Karelia to the west, the Kola Peninsula ...
Белое море
Бе́лое мо́ре — внутреннее море на севере европейской части России, относится к Северному Ледовитому океану. Белое море целиком относится к внутренним водам России.
В скандинавской мифологии Белое море известно под названием «Гандвик»; также...Википедия
White Sea, an almost landlocked extension of the Arctic Ocean indenting the shores of northwestern Russia. It is connected to the more northerly Barents Sea ...
The White Sea is the only of the Arctic seas, most of which is located south of the Arctic Circle. This is the inland sea of the Arctic Ocean. From almost all ...
The White Sea is one of the most beautiful among the seas of Northern Russia. Being a part of Russia's inland sea, it belongs to the Arctic Ocean basin.