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Find #1 Movie Day You Were Born & Watch Trailer. Enter a date above and the #1 movie in theaters for that date will magically appear here! ? Want to know how many times your birthday movie could have played on repeat since you were born? What about the admission price?

Find the #1 Song on the Day You Were Born. Enter a date above and the #1 song for that date will magically appear here! ? Want to know exactly how many minutes ago you were born? Fill out the date fields above to find out! Find the Number 1 Song on My 12th Birthday!

Find the most person, song, book, and movie on the day you were born! Find all pop-cuture stuff happening on your birth date or any other date.

— Meredith Bodgas. When released a feature that allows you to find out the #1 song on your birthday, we all had a great time searching our and our loved ones’ dates. But it left us wondering: Who was going to create an app that lets you look up the #1 movie on your birthday? The people…

The free online radio web app has a tool that allows people to discover the film that topped the U.S. box office on their date of birth, alongside how much a movie ticket would’ve been.

You can enter the day, month, and year you were born on and it'll show you what the No. 1 movie was on that date, complete with that film's trailer. We tried it out for

A new site has been launched which shows you what film was number one at the US box office on the day you were born. Handily, the tool set up by, lets you know the price of

Dave Melamed | Saturday, February 28th, 2015. The web radio site recently rolled out a new, thoroughly enjoyable feature. If you enter your birthdate, the engine will tell you what

What was the number one movie on your birthday? Mine was "Toy Story."

Olivia Newton John's "Let's Get Physical" was the most popular song when Britney Spears was born on Dec. 2, 1981: But enough about them. Find out what the No. 1 song was on your birthday over at Playback.Fm, and contemplate if there's some existential correlation between the song and your life. (At least that's what we did, anyways.)

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